

Matériaux : titane et acier inoxydable Épaisseur Dimensions maximales


immagine: Serpentine
Descrizione / Description: Exemple d'application: a) chauffage solution à base d'anhydride chromique pour le secteur galvanique dans les bains de chromage plastique et métallique: matériel Titane gr 2 b) chauffage des eaux de processus contenant émulsion huileuse pour récupérer l'huile: Acier inox AISI 316
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Titanium, our precious metal

At the end of 30’s, with new technologies introduction, the Titanium began to be industrially used, mostly for weapon manufacturing in US. During the same period, the first surgeries with Titanium implant took place. Since then, the Titanium acquired growing importance also in Europe, Japan and in the ex-Soviet Union more info